Getting to know me

My thirst for marketing hasn't been quenched. I've enjoyed my journey working in digital marketing - writing, copywriting and just creating in general.

Nothing is as fulfilling as spending time seeing the potential with someone's talent. I guess if I had to give an elevator speech - that would be the highlight. Noticing talent and extracting talent - with a voice.

My experiences have brought me here. My journey at this spot as signed on the dotted line - marketing for others - so they can grow as business and more importantly - grow as an individual.

Why Email Marketing? - I used to think Email marketing was kind of boring. Definitely not glamourous compared to other avenues in digital marketing. But, the elephant has never left the room. It seems to be one of the oldest and reliable ways to communicate.

It hasn't gone anywhere and won't for a very long time. It has been remained a steadfast and proven method for reliable conversions. So, I decided to invest in learning how emails work. I mean, really how.

When I began to see how the return on investment with emails. Uhh, I felt a little embarrassed. I knew it was here the whole time, but, I didn't realize that it has been marketing's unsung hero the whole time.

Here I am. Better late than never.